Get Real #1

I’ve been bombarded lately with statistics that show how depressing being on social media can be. We see lacquered-over images of how we WANT the world to see us but NOT how we really are most of the time. To counter that I’m putting some GET REAL pictures on here to let others who may think this FB world is real know that it is not.... if you’d like to participate please do (maybe add a photo in the comments)...if not enjoy my not-so-perfect life!  

These are current (as in today) photos of my home... yes..those are Christmas wreaths still up in February because cutting them off my banister requires finding or most probably purchasing scissors... also that poor plant is dead from neglect... and yet it still sits there as a reminder that I’m not a gardener...  Oh and I have soooo many more photos I could be putting on here...maybe I’ll add one a day until I run out... 🤔


Get Real #2