The Power of Insignificance…

A few weeks ago, I went to the movie Jesus Revolution with my bible study friends. I haven’t been going without my cane for very long, so walking up the stairs was a bit slow for me. At the end of our row was a woman with a cane who commented on understanding how tedious stairs can be, and I commented back that I had recently ditched my cane and that I thought hers was lovely.

During the movie (which is excellent, by the way, I highly recommend), I started thinking about the woman, who was sitting alone at the movies during the day on a Wednesday. That’s when I started to pray and ask God to use me to encourage her, if He so chose, and to give me the words to say.

He answered that prayer….

After the movie was over and the lights came up, I leaned over and started talking with her. I won’t go into her story here, but it is a difficult one. She’s now on disability, and it has been a struggle for her as she’s a very hard worker.

I can’t even tell you what I said to her, as I know the words weren’t mine, but after the exchange, she was crying and hugged me multiple times and said that she was supposed to go to this movie on a Friday and now she knows that God had her go to the movie that day so she would meet me.

When she said those words, she encouraged ME. You see…I’m just a fat, middle-aged mom (with adult children). I’m a nobody. Do you know how I know that I am a nobody? I get that hinted to me every time someone asks what I do for a job. Our society tells us that if we don’t make heaps of money or have a job of importance, we don’t matter. I could give you many examples of when that message was thrust upon me. And you know what?

For a long time, I believed it.

All of that changed one day when Jeff (hubbles) and I were involved in a discussion at a Bible study at our church. I can’t remember what the topic was but I can remember what Jeff said VERY clearly. He said that he considers himself supporting a missionary by supporting me. I was stunned. I had NO idea he felt that way and, in that moment, he validated what I do.

My life is spent looking for opportunities to encourage people. Sometimes people I know, sometimes complete strangers. Always with the message of Jesus. I know how discouraged I have been in my life and I decided quite a while ago that if I had the opportunity, I would tell other people that they matter. In other words, I am using what the enemy has tried to destroy me with (discouragement, hopelessness, pain, medical issues, etc.) to help others.

Jeff used to be bothered that I would strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. Now he just smiles, shakes his head, and says “That’s my girl.”

 I wonder if all of the teachers through the years who disciplined me for talking too much would say the same thing….

Somehow, I doubt it.

So, what is my point with all of this? It’s to tell you that YOU MATTER! I don’t care if you are a stay at home mom, or a corporate grunt…YOU MATTER! You have your own mission field where you can use your experiences to help those around you. You don’t have to be a missionary in China (though I have a ton of respect for those that are). Your mission field is everywhere you go. You just have to ask God to guide you in the process, and oh, honey, He will.

Our churches are filled with people that are hurting. Our workplaces are loaded with the lost and hungry. Our stores have people who need encouragement and help. Hurting people are everywhere.

If you are on social media for even a brief moment, you can easily see how desperate people are for attention. It’s a national crisis. What we are all crying out for is significance. We all want to know that we matter. That our existence is for a purpose. The problem with social media is that it makes people think that it can give them a sense of significance and purpose, which is a big fat lie.

Our significance comes from God. He created us for a purpose. He loves us unconditionally.

I repeat: He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY.

Just by being born, you were given purpose and significance. You might not be the next “American idol” or “Billy Graham,” but you have purpose, and that is to glorify God in whatever you do.  

So, wherever you are, whatever you are doing…do it for His Glory and see how blessed you will be.

I no longer fret and worry that the world thinks I am insignificant. I also no longer get offended when someone tells me I’m not doing anything “worthy” of our society. I just inwardly smile and remember that they aren’t who I am serving. I am serving the Most High God, and it really doesn’t get any more significant than that….


How to make Good Friday, a Great Friday…


Oh the temptation….